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It may start to sound like the same old he-said, she-said story, but gender differences in humor aren't as predictable as they might seem. In Bippus' study, for example, the men on average perceived more humor in the couples' conversations, but the women produced more humor, contradicting the stereotype that men are the funnier sex.

If you feel temporary pain when you attempt to crack your back or lasting pain afterward, you might have an underlying condition that needs medical treatment. If this is the case, see your doctor or a chiropractor before you attempt any of these exercises.

who said i crack myself up top

A kid in a bucket seat raised high on the fat rear tires of a four-wheeled ATV eyes the corner boys slinging dope and crack around the Chinese takeout. Then he turns and looks at what he probably takes for a car full of cops facing him.

"Public safety is my top priority, and we're taking an aggressive, targeted approach to deter criminals from stealing catalytic converters," Governor Hochul said. "Catalytic converter thefts have skyrocketed across our state and nation, and these comprehensive actions double down on our efforts to keep New Yorkers and their property safe, protecting our communities and cracking down on crime."

Interagency cooperation and enforcement are key to addressing this statewide issue. New York State Police and the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles are directed to leverage their existing partnerships with local, state, and federal law enforcement to increase investigations and crackdowns in high-theft areas. These investigations often involved organized theft operations that cross state lines.

New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Mark J.F. Schroeder said, "We have been working diligently on several fronts to address this issue of catalytic converter thefts. We are working closely with our partners in law enforcement and the auto dealership industry to address these thefts by distributing etching kits. We have held and will continue to hold press conferences across New York State to raise awareness among consumers and educate them on ways to safeguard their vehicles against these thefts."

New York State Police First Deputy Superintendent Steven A. Nigrelli said, "We appreciate the Governor's support in addressing this growing problem. The State Police is fully engaged with our law enforcement partners at the local, state and federal level, and is committed to providing the resources necessary to bring down the criminal organizations that are responsible for the spike in auto and catalytic converter thefts."

State Senator Diane Savino said, "I wish to thank Governor Hochul, my Assembly Colleague and bill sponsor Assemblywoman Buttenschon, and Senators Addabbo and Kennedy for all their help with this critical legislation. Fortunately, most people do not need to know what a catalytic converter is -- unless you try driving a car and you do not have one. What we are doing here is cracking down on catalytic converter thefts, requiring catalytic converters to be added to the list of component parts that have to be reported, and also imposing new controls on scrap metal dealers, scrap processors, and others, and itinerant dealers, so that we can get at this problem. Again, I thank the Governor and my colleagues for their leadership - this is a national problem, and I am proud New York is leading the way to prevent catalytic converter theft."

Assemblymember Marianne Buttenschon said, "I want to thank Governor Hochul for signing A 1940e today that will give law enforcement and the DMV more resources and tools to protect our community. This legislation will ensure necessary record-keeping and documentation for catalytic converters to help prevent thieves from reselling the materials."

Eric Tenner, victim of catalytic converter theft in Huntington, said, "As a victim of catalytic converter theft right outside my home, I am proud to stand with Governor Hochul as she strengthens efforts to combat this issue. This swift action is exactly the kind of leadership we need, and I am grateful to all who had a hand in making today happen. Together we can help our communities feel safer and more secure."

Eventually I got myself a chair. It was going to be a while doing this. After an hour it was mostly gone, and I could feel the last little bits discharge and flow out as it twinges on the way out the bottom of my foot. I thought omg this is horrible I cant expect to do this every day. But, I had narrowed it down to being electric charge.

I am the same way you are i had anixety so bad and jittery and very nervous i was ok about 5 year ago when they put a iud in my for heavy bleeding and feeling this was i told the doc i feel bad again and my anixety is everyday and all day i had to quit my job because of this all doc keeps saying is take anxiety meds i told them they make it worse they say i will give you another one im so sick of this no one wants to help me now im afraid to go out because on how i feel i ask them dont you think the iud wore off because its over 5 years they said i dought it that wouldnt make you have anixety so bad but i keep reading how alot of people have anixety when there going through the change i havnt spotted since nov but with an iud i havnt realy bleed maybe spotting one in a while so how would they no if im going through it or not im so sick of every doc just saying you need anxiety pills i dont no what to do

Thank you for such a comprehensive post with all the references to Cochrane reviews about alternative treatments as well. Even as a gynaecologist, I found myself struggling to apply the evidence I knew was there. When you are suffering it is easy to clutch at straws even though you know there isnt any evidence that it works. The placebo effect is very powerful and it is easy to see why there is such a huge market for so many treatments other than MHT.

im 55 female and i had a iud put in 5 years ago for the start of change because i had such heavy bleeding for a year and half everday the iud helped stopped the bleeding but in april it came on 5 years that if expired and months leading up to it ive been getting so shaky jittery and very bad anixety i tell the doc that and ask could it be from the iud wearing off no she says you just have anxiety and you need anixety pill i tried so many they made it worse i keep telling her that she said i dont no what else to do for you she said find the right physicist they find the right meds for you i dont think thats the answer i said i think its hormones doing this. I dont think the answer is anixety meds im afraid to go anywhere because i dont no how i will be

Hi. Ladies. I thought i was coping as well as can be reg my bad childhood, ie,violence,abuse,waking up ams wandering whether mumstill alive.+reg so called friends that betrayed me +the WORST possible a normal human can experience, my teen daughter missing 6 weeks, being founddead +ID by teeth. killed by a non human monster 14 years ago. now late meno,at age 59 +6 months was my last now 61 +the last 6 monthsare so horredous.suicidal thoughts on waking +how i will do it,but thinking of my son stops me.i cant do that to him. binge drinking 2-3 times wkly(i must not do it every day,i must not let myself die,my son) binge eating at times,but fortunately i really force myself to walk/cycle at leastalternate days +ive never been overweight. SHEER PANIC ATTACKS at the level crossing,waiting to cross,people have been killedon them .my partner nearly got knocked over twice,car stopped jus in time! HATING people in shops buses,jobsworth bus drivernearly caused me to attack her verbally yesterday but i calmly put another 1 in the payslot after she d embarrased me by calling me overto discuss a short fare!are some peoples lives so sad they can worry about 1? ive known apprx 8 aquaintances get killedon roads, known 4 to kill themselves ,known several that died with scared to get in a car for long partner has NUMEROUS long term health probs requiring 3x weekly hosp appointments. he gets on my nerves at times+i fantasise about living alone +shutting out the world +not seeing any1 ,but hes kind mostly. im hot flushing right now.i cant take hrt ,had masectomy +implant oct 2020 in l breast +r breast may be at risk from non invasive cancer(DCIS)it can spread into main tissue,.wont take antidrepressants as worried reg side effects+the 1st lot of antidi I hadafter girls death ,the lady doc says yes you can drink alcohol,just means you get drunk more quicker! i only took for fewmonths,no difference made to me +the 2nd lot of antid i got offered 1 year ag it said clearly on packet NO ALCOHOL, so its a bitconfusing. anyway i didnt bother taking them. Theres no hope for me. thanks for reading x

perfectly said. That is me 100%. My husband is very understanding as our my friends,Emotional stress, depression, skipping meals, alcohol, changes in sleep patterns, and taking too much medication. It can also trigger a Headache.

thank you for sharing Sue. I am 49 and have been feeling anxious for at least year. I try to talk myself out of it, have spoken to my doctor about my feelings and all with no solution. My doctor said my hormones levels are normal. I hate feeling like everything is spinning out of control and feeling sad and like their is a weight on my on a regular basis. Have you found anything that helps?

Hello CarolynI have seen three separate Neurologists over the last 2 & half years. My symptoms came on suddenly, dizziness, tingling in legs, head with a general feeling of being unwell. I have had so many tests and have been reassured there is nothing neurologically going on thankfully. I then went on to have night sweats, muscle aches and other symptoms so decided based on my age ( 52) would go on HRT 18 months ago. Many symptoms have improved with the HRT but even today all this time later, my legs ache and tingle & I have aching muscles and I still dont feel right in myself. I feel better in the sense my anxiety is less because I have been so worried this isnt my menopause. But having been put through so many tests and nothing is found I have to go with this answer . I really hope this makes you feel you are not alone & the only one suffering with these weird sensations in your legs and arms. I certainly have them :-(( all the best 2ff7e9595c


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